What You Need to Know About Required Procedures and How Much You Can Save with 1Dental
As wisdom teeth begin to come in, there are several unknowns about the decision for extraction, the surgery itself and the cost of the procedure. Many people are unaware of when or why they need to extract the extra molars, and what is involved with the surgery.
How to Know Your Wisdom Teeth Need to Come Out
Not everyone requires surgery to remove their wisdom teeth. If their mouth has plenty of room and their teeth come in straight, they most likely won’t need removal surgery. Because of this, the very first thing you need to do is talk to your dentist. They will take x-rays to see if your teeth are coming in properly. If you feel pain in the back of your mouth or have trouble eating, notify them so they can evaluate your situation properly. Once they have examined your mouth, they will suggest what actions to take.
If not indicated by an x-ray, common symptoms of needing to remove wisdom teeth show up in the form of toothaches, inflamed gums, sinus issues and jaw pain. The teeth cause these issues when they come in crooked or misaligned. If not removed, the extra molars can cause damage to other teeth, the jaw and even cause cavities or gum disease.
Wisdom Teeth Removal Process
Though rare, a person can get their wisdom teeth removed at the dental office – but if their teeth are deeply impacted, as is usually the case, they may need to visit an oral surgeon. The oral professional will numb the mouth and possibly provide a sedative for the pain.
Before the Procedure
To prepare for any procedure regarding your wisdom teeth, consider the type of anesthesia or sedation needed for the surgery and how to prepare accordingly. Your dentist or oral surgeon will have detailed instructions on how to get ready.
Steps of Wisdom Tooth Extraction
During the procedure, the dentist or oral surgeon will administer a type of anesthesia to relieve any pain. After that, they will begin the extraction process.
Once the extraction surgery begins, your oral surgeon will:
- Cut an incision in the gum tissue to access the tooth/bone.
- Remove any bone blocking access to the tooth.
- Divide the tooth into pieces, if needed.
- Remove the tooth altogether.
- Clean the gum where the tooth was.
- Stitch the incision closed (not always required).
- Place gauze over the stitch to subdue bleeding.
Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost and Savings with Dental Savings Plans
The average price of a simple wisdom tooth extraction done by a general dentist is approximately $200 – $450 (or $800 – $1800 for all four teeth). However, as most individuals who need their wisdom teeth removed require surgery from an oral surgeon, average costs can range from $400 – $750 per tooth (or $1,600 – $3,000 for all four).
One way an individual can save on wisdom teeth removal surgery is by signing up for a Dental Savings Plan. At 1Dental, the Care 500 Series Plan lowers the cost of simple extractions from a general dentist significantly. If a surgeon is required, add the Dental Access plan (powered by the Aetna Dental Access network) and you can often save more (15-50%). See average costs by zip code, along with the savings that the Care 500 Series Plan provides at general dentists. Or see the best savings at specialists with the Dental Access Plan (powered by the Aetna Dental Access network).
Summary: Why is the Preferred Plan
our best selling plan for wisdom teeth?
- Best savings at general dentists AND specialists
- Exact procedure prices online with Care 500 Series
- Largest list of dentists with Dental Access
- Millions of members, in business since 1979
- Plan priced at an everyday low price, starting at $169 a year

My dentist recommended me to remove two of my wisdom teeth. I’m scared to death, think It’s gonna be painful 🙁 🙁
hello, everyone. I’m from Mongolia. I’m dentist
I nned to have two wisdom teeth removed. How long could I wait before taking out a loan? Money is hard to come by right now.
Hi Darryl,
I’m not sure about the loan, but I do know that if you have dental issues, it’s much better to take care of them right away. They can get worse (and more expensive) if you wait too long, and we certainly don’t want that!
You can also check out an option like a dental discount plan. Some of them start the same day you sign up for a really affordable rate, and you get immediate discounts on your treatment rather than having to meet minimum requirements or waiting a certain amount of time. This one is only $9.95/month to join, and you can call 800-372-7615 for more info: https://www.1dental.com/careington-dental-plan/
I hope that helps!
19 years ago the Navy wanted to pull them and I said no. Now they do not recommend it unless they are causing you to be in pain or some other dental issues related to the wisdom teeth.
Yes, that does seem to be the general consensus. I’m glad your wisdom teeth aren’t causing you any problems!
My wisdom teeth are just starting to emerge from the gum. It doesn’t really hurt, only a little when I’m chewing hard foods. The gum area feels a little tender but that’s about it. They look pretty straight in my x rays. Should I just let them grow in fully before getting them extracted? Since the dentist can just pull the tooth out without having to do the surgery. I’ve had a tooth pulled before and it’s really not that bad. I keep hearing all these horrible stories of the surgery so I will avoid that at all costs! Only if my teeth are giving me problems.
When a wisdom tooth is removed, dentists put a local anesthesia to numb the area. However, if several or all of your wisdom teeth are removed, a general anesthesia will be given to prevent pain in the whole body and so you can sleep throughout the procedure. Most of the time, it’s more painful to keep your misaligned wisdom teeth than to have a dentist remove it.
-Houston Dentist
Great insight, and we agree! It’s best to prevent any future pains or problems.
Interesting article. That gap at both sides of my mouth remind me of where I had wisdom teeth and to brush regularly. Funny how we loose some teeth which compels us to look after the remaining ones.
Thanks for reading, Brian!
I had all 4 of mine cut out two years ago and it was really no big deal
Great post to go through.
You have very clearly mentioned what are steps involved in wisdom teeth extraction. The third and final set of molars that erupt in the back corners of the upper and lower normal adult’s mouth are called the wisdom teeth. Unfortunately, most people experience problems from wisdom teeth. Symptoms of impacted wisdom teeth like pain, inflammation, and some kinds of infections are extremely harmful to one’s oral health. Such kind of impacted wisdom teeth needs to be extracted in order to avoid future problems.
is it to late to get them removed at 41?
It isn’t too late to have your wisdom teeth removed; however, the older you are the more at risk you might be to complications and having a slower recovery time. You don’t necessarily need to have them removed though unless you are experiencing pain or crowding in your lower or upper set of teeth. Speak with your dentist and ask him/her if having your wisdom teeth removed is something you need to consider. If you aren’t experiencing any pain or problems with them then you should be fine to leave them in.
You have posted a very informative article. Thanks for it. Also, I have to say that wisdom teeth removal is so painful without anesthesia.
Thank you! Were you not given anesthesia when you had your wisdom teeth removed?
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