by Natasha Gayle | Nov 21, 2016 | Holiday Dental & Health Tips
Updated: 1/13/2020 Thanksgiving is upon us and Christmas is just around the corner! With the holiday season in full swing, the one question on our mind has been: “What does this mean for our teeth? Are the holidays the worst time for your teeth?” There is no denying...
by Meredith Jolly | Dec 30, 2015 | Holiday Dental & Health Tips
Updated: 1/20/2020 Have you ever been triple-dog-dared to do something you really shouldn’t do? Remember Flick from the beloved movie ‘A Christmas Story’? He certainly faced a tough choice when his friend triple-dog-dared him to stick his tongue to a frozen flagpole,...
by Katie Gayle | Nov 25, 2014 | Holiday Dental & Health Tips
Updated: 1/28/2020 Some of the best YouTube videos have come from someone being filmed right after he or she wakes up from having his wisdom teeth removed. That being said, removing your wisdom teeth can be stressful – from trying to schedule the procedure to having...
by Natasha Gayle | Oct 23, 2014 | Holiday Dental & Health Tips
Updated: 1/28/2020 We all want our kids to have fun on Halloween. Didn’t we, growing up? Trick-or-treating, going to costume parties, toilet-papering the neighbor’s house (Oops…did I just admit to that? You might want to discourage this last one!). However, we also...
by Hannah | Oct 31, 2011 | Holiday Dental & Health Tips
Happy Halloween! To celebrate, we put together a list of our Top 10 Jack-O-Lanterns With the Craziest Smiles from around the web. We hope you enjoy them as much as we did!10. Carved by Roy at the Quick Shot Artist blog, this one has a cute, childlike grin that looks...