Halloween is just around the corner and here at 1dental we found an excellent way to celebrate—a pumpkin-carving contest! Each department was given a few days to carve their pumpkin and then we brought in judges to decide which one was the best. The judges thought all of our masterpieces were great, but there could only be one winner. And they chose…

Team Payne. This team consisted of some of our sales representatives. They used many intricate details to make this pumpkin great!
You can see the smoke coming from the chimney, the pumpkin-seed roof, the window panes made with toothpicks, the leaves around the base of the house, the little ramp to the house made out of sticks, and there is a little mailbox/sign at the end of the ramp.
Great job, Team Payne!
And here are the other contestants:

1. The One Ring from Lord of the Rings. This one was created by our IT department! You can see the Elvish writing used on the ring in The Lord of the Rings. The judges didn’t recognize the writing, but everyone in the company could appreciate this one. Great penmanship here!
2. Jaws. Team Phillips (our other group of sales representatives) created this one. They even had some background music to go with it. I’m sure all of you know what background music they chose!
Also, this one had a little light inside, as you can see from the picture. They were able to light this up, which made it look pretty impressive as well!

3. This pumpkin was created by “The Others” team, which consisted of our administration department and other various positions within our company. Rest assured that no one was harmed in the making of this pumpkin, with the exception of the little orange and grapefruit.
4. Cookie Monster. Our marketing department got together and made the Cookie Monster. One of the popular trends of pumpkin-carving recently is using spray paint to give your pumpkin an added effect. And if this wasn’t great enough, the cookies are pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. If you’re looking for a fun fall recipe for cookies, this is the one you need to try! This recipe can be found on Sally’s Baking Addiction blog.

5. And finally we have the wolf pack. This is our customer service department. They had some very talented carvers. They also had sound effects like the Jaws pumpkin. Once the lights were turned off, they hit play and we could all hear the lonely wolf howling at the moon.
Every team put in a lot of work to create some really great pumpkin carvings, and we all had a lot of fun in the process. Hopefully some of these will inspire you for your pumpkin carvings this year!
Cast your own votes! Which pumpkin do you like best?
Cookiemonster then lone wolf