Redheads More Susceptible to Dental Pain

Redheads More Susceptible to Dental Pain

Updated: 2/18/2020 If you have red hair, you might want to go ahead and ask for extra anesthetic at the dentist’s office. Studies show that not only are redheads more likely to experience sensitivity even after receiving painkiller, they also tend to have more...
Recovery Tips for a Tooth Extraction

Recovery Tips for a Tooth Extraction

Updated: 2/19/2020 Recovering from teeth removal can sometimes be more difficult than a patient expects. Modern dentistry has made the actual procedure efficient and relatively painless, but it doesn’t end there in the dentist’s office. These steps can...
How Dental Costs are Determined

How Dental Costs are Determined

Updated: 2/19/2020 One of the biggest questions when going to the dentist is: What will it cost? Sometimes the prices seem astronomical, and it may be confusing why one filling is $100 and another is $400. Wouldn’t it be helpful to know how dentists calculate...
2011 Edition – Top 10 Dentists in Social Media

2011 Edition – Top 10 Dentists in Social Media

Updated: 2/19/2020 So you know how to drill a maxillary central incisor in 2 minutes flat and you can wield a double-end explorer with finesse, but can you Tweet the latest dental news or pore through Facebook page analytics without missing a beat? These dentists can....